11 Simple Tips To A Lower Electricity Bill Now!

There is no denying that in today’s world electricity is necessary for everyday life. Most certainly we really cannot function without it. However, if we must use it, then why not ensure that consumption is at minimum cost to us.

With the cost of living rising finding ways to lowering your electric bill can add extra money to your pocket. I’m sure extra savings here can be utilized somewhere else in your budget. This is the second article in our financial horizon series. The first article was 10 Tips on How to Keep Money.

While some of the tips below may only save you cents. Keep in mine that over time cents turn in dollars. Nevertheless, it doesn’t matter how small the savings are, it’s still your money that’s saved. Make a conscious decision to lower your electric bill. After reading, do some detective work. Be on the lookout for activities at home which can lower your electric bill. Here’s to another money saving financial horizon.

Boil The Exact Amount Of Water Needed For Coffee Or Tea.

Are you a tea or coffee lover? Honestly, sometimes there is nothing better than to sit with a hot cup of tea or coffee. Do you find yourself having a few cups a day? Instead of filling the electric kettle to the max with water just to make one cup of tea or coffee. Why not boil the amount that your need?

Consider the amount of energy needed to bring to a boil a kettle of water filled to the max. A smaller amount of water will require a shorter amount of time to boil and thus less electrical energy. As a result, less electrical energy consumed will equal to a lower electric bill.

The table below shows the estimated savings of boiling less water. The calculations were done using an electric kettle with a power rating of 1200W. The electric rate used for costing was taken from the US Energy Information Administration. The estimated cost below is based a person requiring the varying volume of water once per day. This implies that the cost would be double or triple, depending on the number of times not is required during the day..

KETTLE POWER RATING (Watts)1200120012001200
TIME (Seconds)45.4490.88136.31181.74
COST ( Cents/kWh)0.2660.2660.2660.266
COST USED ONCE PER DAY$0.04$0.08$0.12$0.16
MONTHLY COST$1.21$2.42$3.63$4.84
ANNUAL COST$14.52$29.04$43.56$58.08

While some may say that the monthly savings is not significant, looking at the savings from an annual perspective, it’s quite substantial. If you’re a person who only requires approximately one cup of water for your mornings, coffee or tea then you would notice that there is an estimated yearly savings of $43.56 when compared to boiling a 1 L kettle of water. Note that this calculations illustrates boiling of water once per day. The cost increases in cases where boiling water is required several times a day.

Iron All The Things You Need For The Week In One Go.

Instead of ironing every night before the next work day, consider ironing all your clothes for the entire work week on a selected day. Each time a cold iron is plugged in it requires a certain amount of time for it to get to the desired temperature. Instead of waiting each night for the iron to heat up, ironing all your clothes for the week ahead will save you money. This will cut down on the amount of energy consumed each night waiting for the cold iron to heat up.

Additionally, you will not only have a few extra dollars each week but you would have saved at least 10 minutes waiting for the iron to heat up. If you’re a person who irons each night, why not try this for a month. Go ahead, choose a day , set aside the time and iron all the clothes you anticipate using for a week.

Switch To LED Bulbs.

Did you know that certain bulbs consume more energy than the actual amount of light they produce? Filament or incandescent bulbs for example absorb so much electrical energy. Almost 80% of the . Other types of bulbs include Halogen bulbs and Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFL’s). However, Light-Emitting Diodes (LED’s) uses less energy when compared to Halogen bulbs and Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs. Today LED’s are the most energy-efficient option with some using up to 75% less electrical energy and lasting 25 times longer than a standard incandescent light bulb.

After all this science, the verdict is simply, switch to LED bulbs and watch your electric bill decrease. This is also a recommendation by Entergy to its customers. The New York Times recognizes LED’s as today’s new standard for basic light bulbs

Moreover, LED bulbs will not only save you money on your electric bill but it will save you from having to replace bulbs often. LED bulbs have a longer lifespan than incandescent bulbs. Generally, LED bulbs have a lifetime of 10,000 hours or more. If you were to light your LED bulbs for 5 hours each night. You would need to replace your LED bulbs approximately 5 and a half years later.

Turn Off Room Lights When Not In Use.

How many of you forget to turn off the lights when you’re leaving a room? Often times it’s an unconscious decision we make. This is a habit that can save you dollars each month. The type of bulb in the room determines the cost when it is switched on. Leaving lights on especially for lengthy periods can do more financial harm than good.

The US Department of Energy advises that Incandescent lights should be turned off whenever they are not needed. This is because they are the least efficient type of lighting when compared to Halogen and CFL bulbs. Approximately 90% of the energy they use is given off as heat (wasted energy), and only about 10% results in light. As a result the majority of your bill is paid for wasted energy. So the next time you leave a room, be sure to turn off the lights. For those of you who are parents, instill this in your kids and cultivate a money saving practice.

Invest In Few Solar Lights.

Solar lights are great for both indoor and outdoor use. They are charged using the solar energy emitted by the sun. What a steal of a deal! Especially in the winter season when there are longer night and shorter days. The consumption of electricity is increased quite significantly. Wouldn’t it be great to offset some of the cost to your electric bill?

Solar lights produces electricity by harnessing sunlight. When placed directly in a sunlit area, the sunlight is converted to electricity and then stored in batteries. When switched on, the battery powers the bulbs which produces light. This process is repeated over and over. Apart form saving money, another advantage of using solar lights is that they are practically maintenance free.

Does Solar Lights Work During Winter?

The answer is yes. If you live in snowy areas, then this maybe a concern. Solar lights and panels are designed to withstand harsh winter conditions. The key to getting the best of your lights during the winter is to ensure that the solar panel is not covered with snow. If the panel is covered then it will not absorb the solar rays resulting in no stored electricity.

Personally, I’ve been using solar lights for several years. I utilize outdoor solar lights for inside use during the night. I place them in the corridors and areas that I use most at night such as the living room or restroom. The solar lights are used as night lights. Should I have to wake during the night, I do not turn on the electrical switches. The motion sensor automatically turns on the solar light and I am able to see as I walk. Each morning I then placed the solar lights outside to recharge. The solar lights that I recommend can be found on Amazon. The are durable, very bright, long lasting and most of all money saving.

Unplug Devices And Appliances When Not In Use.

Household items which remain plugged are like leeches. They suck up energy even when not in use. Phantom loads contribute to wasted energy in which you also pay for. Do some detective work around your home or apartment. As you are perusing, look for devices or appliances that doesn’t need to be plugged in all the time. These may include but are not limited to charging cables, televisions, stereos, coffee makers, Sometimes plugging in and unplugging things can especially when you’re in a rush.

Alternatively you can connect your devices to a power strip and simply turn them all off with the press of a button. Amazingly enough, the Electric Company Entergy recommends this to their customers to lower their electricity bill.

Defrost Leftovers Before Heating Them Up.

Heating food immediately taken from the refrigerator in the microwave or toaster oven can consume quite a lot of energy. This is because it takes a longer time for the internal parts of the food to reach safe temperatures for eating. Has this ever happened to you? After heating, you remove the food from the microwave check the temperature, realized it was still cold and had to place it back to heat up some more? Surprisingly there is a simple solution that can save you some dollars. Instead of placing the cold items from the refrigerator instantly into the microwave or toaster oven try this.

Avoid Placing Hot Items In The Refrigerator.

Refrigerators are designed to operate efficiently and optimally at specific temperatures. Placing hot food into the refrigerator can cause a spike in temperature. When this occurs your fridge works harder to bring the temperature down. As a result, this puts stress on the compressor.

Set A Sleep Timer On Your Devices.

Are you one to fall asleep with the television on? An effective solution is to connect your devices to a smart plug. Some smart plugs can provide energy consumption data which you can use to make to lower your electric bill.

 A smart plug gives you the ability to set timers. This means you can schedule the times your wish your device to switch on or off.
Additonally, timers ar great when using therapeutic techniques. For example

Lower The Brightness On Your Electronic Devices.

Lower the brightness on your laptop, iPad, tablet and even phone. This will not only save your eyes but it will help extend your battery life, allowing for longer device use. “Battery life” is the describes as the length of time your device runs before it needs to be recharged. Technology giant Apple says that you can preserve the battery life of your device by dimming the brightness. As a results your device will require less frequent charging thus lowering your electric bill. So either way you save.

Hang Clothes On A Hanger To Air Dry.

After all it is the natural way to dry clothes. It is also free to do so.

If you happen to own a dryer and don’t have the need for a laundromat, here is a tip for you. You know sometimes when you are drying your clothes and upon checking you find that most if the clothes are dry while a few remain damp. What would your normally do? Typically the practice is that you remove all the dry clothes and continue drying until the timer runs out or begin a new cycle of drying for about 8 minutes.

The next time you run into this situation try the following. If you do not need the damp clothes right away or within the next day or two. Then remove all the dry clothes from the dryer, leave the damp clothes in the machine and allow the residual heat to assist with some minor drying. Then remove the damp clothes/items and place them on a hanger rack in the living room or close to a window.

Use Less Hot Water

If you’re a homeowner, then a heater heat can really put a dent in your wallet. A water heater converts electricity into heat energy which in then transferred to the water. The water then makes its way through pumps to the faucets at your home. Take shorter showers. Fill up a bucket. Fill up a cup of water when brushing your teeth. This will not only save you money but helps to save the environment

Share your thoughts in the comments below. If you have tried any and seen a reduction in your electricity bill (even if it by a few dollars) share in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you!

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