How to Recognize Dream Propeller and Dream Snatchers in Life

Dream Propellers and Dream chasers can make or break in life. Learn how to identify the differences in the article below.

Throughout our lives we experience moments that inspire and awakens a desire in us to chase relentlessly after the dreams we wish to turn into a reality. On the contrary, there are also moments that steal the joy and passion for those very said aspirations. As part of our Spiritual Horizon here at The New Horizon Life, today, let’s turn our attention to dream propeller and dream snatchers.

Let’s face it, at one point in our lives or another, we all had dreams, goals or aspirations of things we wanted to a accomplish or envisioned for our lives. A perception of how we wanted our life to turn out. A picture of the person you wanted to be. The kind of home we wanted to live in, the career we thought we wanted to pursue or even the person we wanted to marry one day. The list of things can go on and on I’m sure.

All these are part of life. Having dreams, goals or milestones help give our lives meaning. They bring hope of a better tomorrow. It give us purpose to continue living when life knocks us done. It is absolutely normal to have achievements. Some persons may call these things a bucket list.

No matter what we may term it, it is a healthy practice to have such accomplishments. If we find ourselves at any point in our lives without dreams or goals then it would be a good time for some introspection. As you ponder and reflect it is important to identify the root cause as to why you are feeling purposeless. Additionally, it may also be a series of events or some tragic situation that have siphoned the purpose you once had. The American Psychological Association shares a story that may assist. It is entitled Finding a Sense of Purpose Through Tragedy and it may be a helpful read.

Dream Propellers.

No matter your age, you would discover as with passing seasons, so too we find ourselves with new visions, dreams or destinations. There are moments that comes along that inspire and motivates us. Other times when we are propelled forward into those paths that lead us to truly achieving those dreams and accomplishments. These propellers or as I’d like to call them Dream Propellers take the shape of people on our lives, our loved ones, our family, friends, mentors and sound leaders.

Further to, dream propellers are also situations that activates something deep within that produces the drive that we need. For example, these may take the from of an encouraging word, reading books or motivational movie. One such movie is called Facing the Giants. Dream propellers are relentless. They are there in the lowest of lows that won’t allow you to surrender or to see you abandon all that journey having thread so far.

Moreover, it is only when we reflect that it comes to our realization that God was instrumental in sending those propellers our way. He does that to ensure we do not stray from the path that He has ordained for us. Other times He does is to get us onto the path that he has predestined for us.

dream snatchers

On the contrary, Dream snatchers are situations, things or even people in our lives that prevent us from being all that we are meant to be. If we let it, dream snatchers can steal the passion and drive . Despite our good efforts, dream snatchers clouds our focus. It we allow it, dream snatchers suck the joy out of life resulting in us becoming empty and hopeless.

Have you ever noticed that the moment you decide you are going all in something happens to deter you? Whenever this occurs, determine in your heart and mind that you are not going to allow this situation to steal your zeal. Identify the dream propeller in your life. Do not quit. If a recurring situation is the stumbling block to you pressing on then the next time it resurfaces be relentless. You control whether you are victorious of defeated with the choices that you make in those times.

God has created to you live life to the fullest. You were born to be a person of destiny. As a matter of fact, in case no one has ever told you, You are a person of destiny. You are a man or woman of destiny. You have a God purpose. Do not allow anyone or anything to snatch that away from your grasp. As in the picture above, write your goals, dreams or visions down. Write it on paper, white board or even charts. Whenever you feel discouraged it will be a reminder to you to keep pressing on.

Should life knock you down, should you stumble and fall; do not allow yourself to stay there. Do not allow yourself to be beaten down for too long. Never strike out. Get back up and keep pressing forward. It does not matter the number of times you are knocked down as along as you keep getting back up. Above all, know that God is with you. Finally, remember that you are more than a conquer and you are never ever alone.